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Maki Shiranui
Wizard born
28 Apr 2011
Cambridge, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,8 cm alder wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Straight, soft, dark hair (Raven coloured), dark blue eyes, heavy eyelids, and pale tone skin stood out with the contradiction to hair colour. Her eyes could get as deep as the sea, or as glittering as the starry night sky. Maki can maintain a poker face in public and don't express her emotions a lot.

Mental Description: An airhead, while is smart. She's cold towards new people but will be open once you're friends with her. She has a lot of thoughts in her head, mostly imagination, that's why she's quite daydreaming in class. When she's too concentrated in her thoughts, her eyes could go glassy and unblinking. Maki likes to debate and always look confident when debating. She can accept anyone's comments if it's logical. If Maki is motivated, she can try really hard and work really well. She is very gentle and isn't great at sport. She is also a strong-willed person, and if needed, she could study and focus for a long time, although it don't happens a lot.She always tries to think great about other people. Even though she doesn't look like it, she's actually very easy to blush and embarrassed. Maki likes herself, so she lives without doubting or hating herself. Once, she tries to pretend, but it's so hard to hate herself. Maki is loyal and love her friends a lot. Her favourite types of books are mystery and fiction books. Maki's favourite series is Anne at Green Gables and Sherlock Holmes. She can be very sharp and sarcastic when it comes to irritating people. Sometimes, she might have an anxiety attack and wants to be alone. If she can't be alone, she'll get emotional and frustrated. Her thinking is not influenced by her parents, it's something she's been gathering all her life.

Biography: Both parents are wizards. Mom: Muggle-born. Dad: Half-blood. As a result, she is close to the Muggle world. She has friends who are muggles when they're little, but those friends move out when she goes to Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: Accidentally make her books fly when she drops them on the floor.

Hobbies: Listening to music, chocolate, the color blue, read books, debating, and write things that comes up in her mind. Maki's favourite weather is winter.