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Jude Walker
Wizard born
31 May 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,3 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Jude Walker is a pale-skinned wizard with a small number of light freckles on his cheeks. He has a very feminine jawline considering he was indeed born female, and you can't really change that with any amount of magic. He has hazel eyes and originally brown hair. He dyed it red as he believed it matched his personality more.
He stands at 4'5" and weighs around 80 lbs. He's a very skinny child due to his familial genetics and wears baggy clothes in order to appear more natural. He has very voluminous hair and eyelashes, which he doesn't mind much as he suspects it makes him more attractive. He typically wears bright clothing, almost pastel. He typically wears collared shirts, crop tops, and white jeans, though sometimes he gets lazy and wears pajama pants and a hoodie instead. He's very fond of beanies, especially in the winter. He enjoys wearing combat boots or a pair of converses. He frequently wears long, obnoxious earrings as he finds them cool.

Mental Description: Jude is a high energy, extroverted child. Despite his childlike perception of the world, he can be mature. Born with autism and ADD, he often gets distracted or doesn't understand things. He stims very frequently and finds himself doing t-rex arms, which he doesn't find attractive, so he forces himself to act normally, which, unfortunately, makes him even more awkward. He usually vocal stims or hand stims, especially when he's feeling certain emotions, such as excitement, anger, or happiness. His (nonexistent) love life is very important to him, and he makes sure he's always presentable in case he meets someone cute. He's a terrible flirt. This has a double meaning. He is terrible at flirting, and he does it often. He does know when to stop, however, and values people's comfort over his own enjoyment. He suffers from moderate anxiety(triggered by schoolwork and other stressful scenarios) and mild depression(triggered mainly by homesickness)

Biography: Jude had a well-functioning family for the majority of his life. As a child, he grew up in a tightly-knit wizarding neighborhood in London. He lived with his mother, Anne Walker, his father, Jack Walker, and his older(by one year) brother, Aiden Walker. He grew up with a handful of friends that lived in his area, all of them from magical families like his. He'd never met a muggle but was always curious about them. No matter how many attempts he made to sneak out to muggle London, something(Aiden) always got in the way. Around the time he turned 7, his father and mother began frequently fighting, and just a year later, a day before his birthday, they divorced. He and Aiden stayed in London with his mother, and his father moved overseas. His mother forced him and his brother never to bring him up and severed all contact with him. For Aiden's birthday following the divorce, around 5 months later, his mother brought home a red Puffskein. Aiden named it Cherry. Around a year passed with no conflict or drama, just family love. When Aiden turned 11, he left for Hogwarts, leaving him and his mother alone with each other. He remembers that year being the most peaceful of his life. When Jude turned 11, he received his Hogwarts letter. He and his mother spent the day shopping for supplies at Diagon Alley. That day was the fondest day he could remember. He spent the rest of the year waiting for the day he'd get on the train to Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: Right before Aiden left for Hogwarts, he and Jude had a massive fight. Right before it got physical, Jude set a curtain ablaze. They very nearly had to evacuate, but his mother quickly handled it with her wand.

Other stuff
Response time: varies, usually slow
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Favorite magical beast: Niffler
Favorite ice cream flavor: Strawberry
Favorite spell: the Tickling Hex

OOC stuff
Discord: spackle#3699
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Favorite magical beast: Thunderbird
Favorite ice cream flavor: Gingersnap Molasses
Favorite spell: Incendio :]