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Tara Adams
30 Sep 2010
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
33,0 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Tara Alexis Adams is a white, fair-skinned female person with chestnut brown hair. Her hair is long and wavy and with blue extensions all around spread out. Tara is tall, about 5 ft exact, and slim with beautiful brown eyes. Tara likes to wear rainbow make-up. Tara wears all kinds of nail polish colors. Tara is a pastel-goth person. She wears a lot of rainbow colors. Her clothing is very stylish and fashionable.

Mental Description: Tara Alexis Adams is a very artistic, happy, and funny. She loves music and piano. Tara is very quiet and serene. Nothing stops Tara from achieving her goals. Tara is well-oiled by all.

Biography: Tara Alexis Adams grew up in the hills of Dublin, Ireland with their wizard father, John Adams, and their Muggle mother, Colleen Adams. Tara lived in a middle class, but very nice house. Tara always had friends. Tara lived to make music and play piano. Tara also loved learning in school, as they were very smart.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Tara Alexis Adams used magic was when they were eight years old. They had climbed out of their bedroom because they were curious about what was on the roof to one part of their house. The roof was on a slant, so Tara thought it was a good idea to try to slide down the roof. They grabbed something from their bedroom that was easy to slide on and came back out to the rooftop. Of course, this did not work in Tara's favor, as they ended up sliding all the way off the roof. Tara screamed for help and cried, afraid that they would fall to their death. However, they ended up falling softly on their feet, standing up in the grass with no injury at all. Tara's parents came outside, shocked that Tara had survived the fall, but they knew that Tara had used magic for the first time. Even though it was by pure accident.