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Koi Williams
Wizard born
25 Dec 2010
Sound, Scotland
Second year, Ravenclaw
30,3 cm redwood and dragon heartstring
Live details: He is currently wearing a broom compass attached to the arm, hidden under the tunic sleeve.

Physical Description: He has black hair. Also black eyes. Is thin and average height. His particular trait is a set of three moles below the right eyelid.

Mental Description: He likes to build things, like towers and houses out of muggle blocks that his father (a lover of muggle objects) keeps, because he likes those too. Due to this taste for building things, it's a common doing such as when playing with food and organizing his belongings. He's not talented enough to develop an off-the-charts attitude just yet, though that habit of assembling things has shaped his way of thinking.

Biography: The address of his parents' house was located in Newcastle, nortern ireland and he had always traveled there by magical means. Even though he grew up in it for most of his childhood, he never heard heard about his parents homeland nor shown interest in it. His best friends were a couple of sibling children of Asian origin whose names he had not been able to learn to pronounce either; who do not speak their language but still had shared many hours of fun in the garden of one of the two houses. And aside from being the son of wizards, his family was as ordinary as any. The only thing about his story that seemed peculiar to him was that, despite having both parents of Asian origin, they had never suggested traveling to their country of origin. He was born and raised in this country, to date.

First Instance of Magic: His first occasion of magic did not happen intentionally while performing a task. Since arranging his books neatly on his bookshelf made him very bored, he happened to make fly some books behind him, and without realizing it he continued until his family observed what was happening. He did not receive big congratulations or a celebration as in the case of other children, but at least it was recognized by his parents as something worth celebrating.

(Comments: Sound is here: [,_Lerwick.])