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Beth Lilia
27 Feb 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,7 cm rowan wood and unicorn hair
Beth Lilia was a happy and loved child growing up. She lived on a hill with her parents, Jack Lilia and Rebecca Chow, and her younger twin brothers. Her younger brothers were very naughty and they kept playing tricks on their parents. Beth has long golden hair and blue eyes. She loved making friends with the small animals near her home when she was growing up. She loved birds the most. She also loved studying and her parents joked that she would become a professor someday. That made her study harder than ever. Her parents took turns homeschooling her and her brothers every day. They also give her homework to keep her busy and not play with the animals for too long. Her aunt, Kathy Chow was a squib and she lived in the cities. She visits Beth and her family every month with her muggle husband. My parents studied at Hogwarts before Beth was born, and they hoped that she and her brothers would also study in Hogwarts. At the age of seven, when she was playing in the woods with the animals, she accidentally got scratched by a branch. When she looked at the scratch on her hand, it suddenly disappeared. She was very excited because she knew that she could get the Hogwarts acceptance letter. Her parents were very happy for her.