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Marie Emerson
Cambridge, England
First year, Slytherin
23,1 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Marie Nicole Emerson
"you call it medding, i call it having an inquisitive disposition."

ever curious and pragmatic, Marie is a girl of eleven years whose just been sorted into the Slytherin house, despite her skepticism towards her sortment though she's quite excited for her first year at Hogwarts. coming from a long line of Slytherin wizards, her mother was the first of her family to marry a muggle. Marie was born and raised in England under the care of her grandparents due to her parents constant traveling due to their work. Marie's father is an Archaeologist originally from York while her mother is an English Professor.

Taking more after her muggle-born father, Marie has shoulder-length warm reddish-brown hair and a light splay of freckles across her face. she does however have her mother's green-hazel eyes and pale parlour. she is also quite taller than most girls her age standing at 5'1" which is one of her few quirks she finds an annoyance.


up until she was nine Marie had thought she was a completely normal child, as did her family. she never showed and signs of magic, or if she did they were never noticable, so she was raised like any other non-magic child. it was her ninth birthday party and despite the cheery event Marie was anything but happy. her parent had promised to make it back home in time for the event but her father's flight had been cancelled due to an incoming sandstorm and her mother, being the air-head she was, had booked the wrong flight. well in a fit of anger as her grandparents brought out her cake she caused it to levitate into the ceiling and splatter everywhere. needless to say her parents hurried home to explain things since she was reasonably baffled with her sudden powers.