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Alli Tribino
Wizard born
08 Oct 2011
Llandovery, England
First year, Slytherin
31,3 cm hawthorn wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: [Green eyes, brown curly hair with a red tint, usually half up, glasses, light skin tone, shorter height around 4'11. Usually wears jean shorts with her brother's or father's t-shirts.]

Mental Description:[Kind, generally happy girl, gets scared very easy, bit emotional, loves the out doors, loves rainey days, enjoys reading books, very friendly, still has her mean streaks. Pet peeves, snody people, people who just follow the crowd and boys who are unable to take a hint.

Biography: Lived with her wizard born parents, older brother who is a 4th year at hogwarts, two dogs, and 1 Hippiogriff. Loved playing outside in the forest with her best friend. Rode Armor(the hippogriff) with her friend, climbed trees, ran through the thicket, swam in the pond, ran with the dogs, played sword with her brother when he was home. She was home schooled, her parenst teaching her some magic so she could show off at Hogwarts. She loved reading about magical herds and creatures that her parents told her about. Her parents told her all the classes they took and the most interesting her was 'defense against the dark arts'.

First Instance of Magic: My parents cut her hair 4in one summer, she didn't like the lenght. She thought it wouldn't grow back in time for winter. A week after her parents cut it, she woke up and it was all back. All 4in of hair were back on her head.