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Rose Morrow
14 May 2011
Lismore, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
22,3 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Rose Morrow, or Rosie, is a dark-skinned Irish/Mexican who originally had dark hair but later dyed it to pink since she wanted to look similar to her older brother who also did it. She has forest-green eyes that almost resemble two emerald jewels (a dominant trait on her father's side). She is often seen wearing her traditional silver bracelet and neck cuffs that were initially from her aunt. She used to wear her silver earrings that went along with her set but her brother had lost the pair in a careless move. She has a birthmark on her left hip.

Mental Description: Rose is a restless, animated, eccentric, and outgoing person who frequently speaks and behaves silly<3. She enjoys making people laugh and smile. Rosie tends to have a lighthearted manner in serious situations. Although, she is often not taken seriously even by her closest friends, who occasionally call her out on her seemingly illogical behavior.

Biography: Rose Morrow lives in a traditional household. Her father, Jack Morrow, a pure-blood who works long hours in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes at the Ministry of Magic and barely has time to do anything besides study. Maria Morrow, Rosie's mother, and a muggle, is often seen in church and spends most of her time with her sister Mary Joell, Rosie's aunt. Their lifestyle is frivolous and comfortable but Rosie can't say that she likes it very much. Rose wishes to explore and do what other girls do, however, since she has strict parents, they were very against her ideas. So instead, Rose studies.

She was previously homeschooled for a few years until her brother, Narciso Morrow, convince their father to allow Rose to go to the same private school as him.

The Morrows usually have one descendant per generation and have a tradition of passing personal jewelry/items to the next generation as a rite of passage. It is also not uncommon for there to be more than one descendant born in the family, and when they have two children it is only natural to continue that tradition.

First Instance of Magic:

Rose and Narciso were doing their usual chores, nothing too abnormal but Rose had noticed the house was quiet. Far too quiet. Rose could barely hear any semblance of noise. The gossiping chatter and bustle of the household had gone silent, she couldn’t even her parent’s loudly talking to each other in her dad’s office.

“Father and mother must be absent.” She whispered to her brother while she folded her clothes on her bed.

“Mother always reprimanded me on being mindful of my own business but…” Her fingers trembled slightly as they hovered over a piece of fabric, “I can’t help it, It’s too eerie and silent.”

“What if something happened?” She anxiously added while flicking her eyes around her surroundings, wary.

Her brother’s sudden and booming laughter caught her off-guard with a flinch.

"Pffft! What? The most likely situation would be mother and father floo’ing to a business meeting and  simply forgetting to tell us.” Narciso snickered at his sister’s worried expression, reaching over to clap his hands on Rose's shaking shoulders with a firm hold.

“Don’t worry so much Rose, they'll be home before long!” He reassured her with a soothing smile.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.

“Say…” He reached over to a pillow, assessing the cushion before he chucked it at her.

“Think fast!” He shouted while laughing hysterically at the quickly growing horrified expression on Rose’s face. It landed square on her nose with a resounding thump, the sound echoed throughout her room. Rose covered it with both hands while trying her best to stifle her giggling while tears formed in her wide eyes.

“Ow! You jerk! You didn't have to throw a--ugh!” She choked through her laughter as she looked down at her dark skin. Rose glared back up at her brother who sat with his knees bent and hands resting on his chest, still trying his hardest not to laugh.

“You should've seen your face!” He exclaimed between bouts of laughter.

“Narc! Come back here you little git!” He watched as Rose darted across the room for him and soon felt himself tumbling across the floor, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. Once again, the pair ended up rolling around the rug like two excited puppies. Narciso slammed into the wall knocking off an item from a shelf, he immediately looked up and panicked.

“Rose watch out!” He yelled at the same time she cried out in fear. He watched with horror as Rose tried to shield herself with her arms. Suddenly, a bright light consumed her vision then heard her brother gasp. She opened her eyes and reluctantly lowered her arms, peering at the pink barrier with curiosity.

“You just did magic Rosie!” Narciso snapped out of his shock and grinned. He sat up and leaped towards the barrier with excitement.