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Caitlin O'Sullivan
02 Dec 2010
Malahide, Ireland
Second year, Slytherin
34,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: She stands at an average height for her age, with a slender build and lightly tanned skin that is speckled with freckles from head to toe. Her most striking feature is her straight hair of fiery red hair that tumbles down to just above her shoulders. Her face is heart-shaped, with a small nose, full lips, and bright green eyes that sparkle with intelligence and mischief. She wears a bright smile that reveals a set of perfectly straight teeth, and her dimpled cheeks give her an endearing, youthful look.

Mental Description: Despite her young age, this girl exudes a sense of quiet confidence and maturity beyond her years. She's a deep thinker, with a curious and analytical mind that's always searching for answers. Her serious nature is balanced by a natural charm and charisma that draws others to her, but she's not the type to open up to strangers easily. In fact, she's rather guarded around people she doesn't know well, preferring to observe and assess them from a distance before letting her guard down.

Biography: As the only child of two powerful and accomplished wizards, this girl was born into a life of privilege and expectation. From a young age, she showed a natural aptitude for magic, delighting her parents with her early first instance of magic. Her parents, both graduates of Hogwarts and proud Slytherins, were determined to give their daughter the best education possible, and so they began teaching her the basics of magical theory and practice from an early age.

Growing up in a household steeped in magic, the girl developed a deep appreciation for the intricacies and complexities of the magical world. She spent hours poring over ancient tomes and studying the histories of the great wizarding families, hoping to one day leave her own mark on the magical world. Despite her natural talent, however, she was a serious and introspective child, more interested in reading and studying than in socializing with other children her age. Her parents encouraged her intellectual pursuits, but also worried that her introverted nature would make it difficult for her to make friends at Hogwarts.

As her eleventh birthday approached, the girl began to feel a growing sense of excitement and anticipation. She had heard stories about Hogwarts from her parents and read every book she could find on the subject, and she couldn't wait to experience it for herself. When the letter finally arrived, inviting her to attend Hogwarts as a student, she felt a surge of pride and excitement that she could hardly contain.

On the day of her departure for Hogwarts, the girl's parents accompanied her to the platform at King's Cross Station, both of them brimming with pride and emotion. As they bid her farewell and watched her disappear into the crowd of students boarding the Hogwarts Express, the girl felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. She knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and obstacles, but she was eager to embrace them head-on and make her mark on the magical world.

First Magic Instance:
One day, while playing with some other children, she suddenly felt threatened and cornered, triggering an intense feeling of fear and panic. Without knowing how or why, she found herself instinctively lashing out with a powerful burst of magic, causing nearby objects to shake and rattle with an almost deafening roar.

The other children were stunned and frightened by what they had seen, but the young girl was equally terrified by the sudden and uncontrollable display of magic. She had never felt so powerful and out of control at the same time. Her parents, recognizing the signs of a spontaneous outburst of magic, were quick to take her home and calm her down, but they couldn't help feeling both proud and worried about their daughter's extraordinary abilities.

After the incident, the young girl was left feeling confused and bewildered by what had happened. On the one hand, she was thrilled by the raw power of her magic, but on the other hand, she was scared by how easily it had erupted and how little control she had over it. The incident served as a powerful reminder of the importance of discipline and control in the use of magic, and it left her with a newfound respect and caution towards her own abilities. Over time, she would learn to harness her magic in a more deliberate and measured way, but the memory of her first outburst would stay with her for a long time to come.