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Becca Cross
17 Jun 2012
Cambridge, England
Second year, Gryffindor
28,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Becca Cross is a tall (around 152 centimeters), pale girl with long brown hair usually tied back. She wears glasses, and has freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. She is a quiet girl who prefers observing instead of being in the middle of the action. She loves reading, but often finds herself drawn more into books instead of forming relationships with the people around her.

Becca is a half-blood witch who lives in a flat in Cambridge with her muggle father. Her father is a history professor at the University of Cambridge. Her mother, a witch, left when Becca was a toddler, and has not seen either of them since. Becca doesn’t remember the woman at all or even knows what she looks like since her father didn’t keep pictures of or ever talk about his ex-wife.

For the several years after her mother left, Becca rarely willingly left her father’s side. She has faint memories of her father leaving her in a room, crying and throwing a tantrum, and then being at his side once again almost instantly – once she got older her father would joke about how fast she could move on her chubby toddler legs.
Becca learned how to read at an early age and developed a deep love for learning like her father. This helped create a strong bond between the two as Becca grew up. Her father encouraged her to pursue any academic interest that caught her attention. He regularly took her on trips to museums and historical sites on the weekends and holidays. Because of her father, she had a happy childhood and not one focused on her mother’s absence.

As she got older, Becca knew it must have been hard on father to raise her alone, but her father never let his daughter see any of his fears or doubts until she was nine. That summer, her and her father were once again talking about his books. He had a collection of rare classics from several authors across the globe.

Becca and her father were discussing one of these books in their flat when she accidentally gestured too wide and spilled her cup of tea on the book. Horrified, she jumped up and began trying to clean it up only to see the book completely dry. Confused, she looked up at her father who had a strange emotion on his face.

After a long and tense moment, her father took her to the kitchen and made them both a fresh cup of tea. He told her what he knew of her mother, and what she told him about the Wizarding World. He tried to answer her questions, but he couldn’t answer them completely. He brought out a trunk of Becca’s mother’s things. He gave the trunk to her to try and find some answers.

Inside of her things were several books about her world, but most of them left Becca confused and with even more questions. Trying to find answers, Becca began neglecting her relationships with her friends from school and her father. Every minute of her day not consumed with schoolwork was spent pouring over the few books she had trying to find something she missed. When she received her Hogwarts letter, Becca finally felt relieved that she would at least learn the answers to some of her questions.

OOC info
Avatar found on Pintrest and is the work of Hunbloom
I was playing as Bex Chaney, but I put the information in to deactivate my account last night on the forum. After that, I waited to receive a confirmation owl that I wanted to deactivate my account before creating this one. If I created the new one too early, I apologize. I misunderstood the rules.
My IC mother was an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries and unfortunately disappeared while working. Due to the nature of her career, she couldn't tell anyone about what she was doing, and her family wasn't notified of her disappearance either. (I'm thinking she was working with the Department of Time).