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Nathaniel Blackburn
Greenwich, London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,1 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Nathaniel Blackburn used to live in Greenwich, London, before he received his Invitiation to Hogwarts, a place of which he never heard before.

Turns out his father was a wizard all the time, without ever mentioning this fact, not even towards his mother. So while Nathaniel is off on his own, trying to reach his new Home, his parents are at home, pretty much arguing all the time.

Nathaniel is pretty sure that he heard the term 'Divorce' on a few occasions, but since everything seemed to be fine until the letter came, he is sure that they can work this out.

Anthony Blackburn, Nathaniels Father, was a simple worker all his life. At least that was, what he wanted his family to believe and he did a great job in that. Not a single time did his family ever question him being a 'muggle'.

Elizabeth Turner, Nathaniels Mother, was a very caring person and loved his father more than she loved herself. While she felt betrayed, she could surely get used to that new aspect of their lives, especially since their son would soon be a wizard as well.

Nathaniel himself cared little about his parents at this point. They would have enough time to work all of this out by themselves, while he had to say goodbye to his friends, family and home. Before him lies a new adventure. One that he had to experience all by himself and thus he decided to stay focused and dedicated and get the most out of this situation.