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Leonard Bassett
02 Feb 2011
Southport, England
First year, Hufflepuff
35,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Leonard is of medium height and thin build. His hair is dark blonde, shorn off at the sides and back and combed back at the top.
His complexion is light.
His eyes are a bright grey/green with thin eyebrows.
He has sharp angular facial features and a thin nose.

Mental Description: Leonard quiet and observant, preferring to stay in the background and analyze his situation at any given time.
He only opens up when talking about subjects he is passionate about.
He is a bit naive, based on his sheltered upbringing in a pureblood family, but he does not care for blood purity as some of his family members do.
In conversations he is polite and respectful, even (or rather especially) towards people he dislikes.
He enjoys nothing like a good book and has a great thirst for knowledge.
He is aversive to confrontations.
He might seem distant and aloof at times, but he cares deeply for others posesses strong ideals on cooperation and decency.
He has little patience for people who act disrespectfully or harmfully towards others.
Biography: What was your character's life like pre-Hogwarts. Describe your family, your friends and your home life.
Leonard has a somewhat strained relationship with his parents. His father (Corwin Bassett) comes from a pureblood family who display extreme racism. Though Leonards inquisitive nature and hunger for knowledge please Corwin, he strongly disapprooves of his son's lack of ambition and care for blood purity. Corwin is a calm and cunning man who works for the ministry.
His mother (Regala Bassett) also comes from a pureblood family, the Howes, who are most well known for their import and export of wand crafting materials. Regala is a fierce and adventurous woman who travels the world studying materials for wands and conducts experiments on how to improve them. She is one of Leonards greatest idols, but was rarely home due to her occupation.
As the sole heir to the Bassett family Leonards posesses next to no friends, the only real contact he keeps being the scions of other pureblood houses. He hopes to make new friends at Hogwarts who are not part of a single echelon of society.

First Instance of Magic: Please describe your character's first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic.
Leonard first used magic at the age of 9, when the household maids called for lights out. Wanting to read just a fiew more pages of the book he was studying at the time, he accidentally caused an incredibly bright orb of light to spawn in his room, wich had to be removed by his father.