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Near Rein
10 Apr 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,7 cm alder wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: He wears red contacts, and his hair is bleached white. He is normally very weird and cheery, and would easily stand out among a crowd. He tries to keep a positive attitude, and he is very quirky and such a dork. He loves to read, mainly fiction, horror, or fantasy, and he is very introverted, preferring to keep to himself most of the time. He is rather small and lanky for his age, and he doesn't have any real strength, mainly dexterity and stamina. He can have moments of insanity or aggression, but theyre very rare and only when he loses control of his emotions. He gets anziety easily when sorrounded by large crowds.

Mental Description: He is a little bit mental, he has a lot of mental trauma from being severely bullied in his past, and he has an inner dilemma about trying to find his place in the world, and where he fits in.

Biography: His Mother is a Witch, while his Father is a Muggle. He had a very simple life, usually spent in the Library alone. He has a pet snake at home, his only companion really. He was bullied very harshly most of his life, causing to several faded scars on him.

First Instance of Magic: He was standing in a field one day, when he was surrounded by his Bullies. Losing control over his emotions, he became furious, and lit the entire field ablaze. Luckily, no one was hurt or killed, but it had a lasting impact on his mentality.