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Eliza Cunningham
16 Jun 2011
London, England
Second year, Gryffindor
31,4 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Eliza is of medium height for her age and has shoulder-length red hair. She doesn't have any lasting scars and is usually seen with a smile on her face. Up until recently, she would usually wear casual muggle clothing, but when she goes to Hogwarts, she will need to wear wizarding robes.

Mental Description: Eliza is a rather friendly person. She has a strong curiosity for life, especially about the wizarding world, since learning of its existence. She loves to play sports and loves to explore the world. As she had a rather pleasant childhood, she isn't burdened with any ongoing issues so she has a rather pleasant disposition. However, if someone were bullying a friend, she would definitely stand up for them. If faced with the situation (she hasn't been yet, as she's only 11), she has self-sacrificing tendencies (i.e. she would put herself in danger to save someone else).

Biography: Eliza is an only child. Her parents are a police officer and a teacher and both muggles. She had a relatively normal childhood. She had quite a few friends at school and in her neighbourhood. She grew up in the heart of London, which was quite busy, so she's used to a crowd. During the summer, she would go on little vacations with her parents, mostly around the U.K., but also in some close by countries too like France and the Netherlands.

First Instance of Magic: When Eliza was eight, she was having dinner with her parents like any night. However, when she went to reach for the pepper, she reached for it and it just floated towards her. All three of them were fairly freaked out but her parents mostly forgot about it after a while. There were a few other instances which weren't very easily explained but her parents mostly denied that it happened or said there must be some scientific phenomena to explain it. But it all made sense when Eliza found out that she was a witch.