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Zach Zaphiere
17 Oct 2010
Swanton Morley, England
Third year, Broom Racing Captain, Prefect of Ravenclaw
22,0 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
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Face Claim: Kim Sunoo

Physical Description: Zach is 149 cm tall and weighs 40 kg. He has black, straight hair and pale skin. His iris color is black onyx and their eyes are fox-like with no eyelids. He wears glasses and his face easily blushes. He started to experience voice crack.

Mental Description: He falls on the introverted side of the spectrum. He doesn't have many friends and enjoys spending time alone. Learning new things brings him pleasure. Those around him often comment on his intelligence, as he consistently earns straight As, but he prefers to be recognized for his wisdom and ability to apply his knowledge in practical ways. Additionally, he enjoys singing and dancing and is particularly interested in science, psychology, and health.

Biography: He lives with his mother, a younger brother, and two younger sisters. His mother is a veterinarian. His brother is one year younger than him, and his sisters are three and four years younger than him. His father passed away in a plane crash. He doesn't have many friends, just some children from his school and church.

First Instance of Magic: October 11st 2021, he went to the playground near his house and was playing alone. There was a small bird that fell in front of him, covered in blood. It was a horrible sight. He picked it up with his hand and realized it was still alive. He searched for some herbs around him, knowing some that could help with bleeding. He found some and tried to use them, not knowing if they would work. Suddenly, a big bird, around the size of a raven, attacked him and tried to take the small bird from his hand. It attacked him multiple times, making him scared and angry. He shouted "Stop!" and a transparent shield formed, preventing the big bird from reaching them. The big bird eventually gave up and flew away. He took the small bird to his mother, and they took care of it. He didn't tell his mother about the experience until a professor came to their house.