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Pip Parrap
Wizard born
20 Nov 2010
Birmingham, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,9 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
4'4 boy with blonde, medium length, shaggy hair. He has light freckling and blue eyes. He dresses very fancy, almost stereotypically so, bowties, button-up shirts, vests, paperboy caps, long socks, and loafers. He looks almost as if he was ripped out of the 1800's.

Mental Description:
Pip is a very happy-go lucky little boy. He rarely is upset or sad, even when people are rude to him. He almost seems naïve sometimes to other's discourteous behavior, and he believes there is some good in everyone. He likes reading, doodling, and cycling.

Pip had very few friends as a child, due to the fact his parents were slightly protective and whenever he did make a friend, they would be very mean to him and take advantage of his kindness. His parents had good intentions keeping him at home a lot, helping him focus on his studies. Because of this, he makes up for his social awkwardness with his brains. He is fluent in French as well as English, and is very smart. His parents also pampered him quite a bit with nice clothes and gifts, but he never let the riches get to his head too much.

First Instance of Magic:
One day when he was 7 years old, Pip was out cycling in his back garden on a lovely summer day. When suddenly, a squirrel darted in front of him. Pip loved (and still does love) animals very much and was scared he would hit the small animal, but before he could even turn the handlebars, his bike levitated slightly off the ground, just enough to avoid the squirrel. Pip's bike then collapsed to the ground, although the worst injury he sustained was a slight scraped knee.