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Chester Lyram
29 Jun 2011
Crawley, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,5 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: White skin, dark green eyes, 142 centimeters, small facial features such as mouth and eyes but a slight big nose probably still growing more than the other facial details from heritage, acompanied by a fairly big forehead, less hair than average, this being dark brown and undecided if it's curled or straight, a natural mess really. An overall pretty boy with simetrical look.

Mental Description: A bit slow on the thought processes but quick to think on matters that do interest. Fairly logical mind on an emotional body, the type that seems to fit socialy very well while not showing how trully unfit he is if challenged or pressured. Not a coward though, just a conservative that knows his limits when having to use his limited inteligence.

Biography: Given a portable game when 7 years old the boy first saw "magic". What wonder was the challenges of virtual game worlds to this one, quickly became the first official hobby. Other than that, wasn't the target of bullys in school, nor the popular kind. Just an average stand up for itself and friends kind of kid... A bit troublesome to deal with by the school staff but surprisingly liked by them. Unruly but shining with an aura of a light heart. Master of not studying and failing tests while still recovering the score enough to pass years. In home if you ask him "what of mom and dad?" he'd just be able to say "Thei're ok" since they had somewhat of an emotional distance to their son. Not a bad family by any means, the kid had a great growing up... Just not with as many hugs as one would recommend, or open talks. At least the family had their beach vacations once or twice a year and dad put him into a swimming school as early as 5 so his kid would have some survival skills. Oh and there's an older sister by 2 years apart, but let's not dive into that can of worms, she's mean ok? What would you expect? He's 10! Leave him with his video games.

First Instance of Magic: When little Chester was 8, at school there was a commotion in front of the classroom, all the kids were waiting for a janitor-type to open the door for class but the boys were fighting over something he caught himself in the middle. Without warning the biggest classmate kicks him in the belly as he walk closer, instinct or not, that hurt and pushed Chester to the ground. Confusion quickly became anger, desire for power on a powerless moment, without even looking back at his classmate, the big boy started to feel nauseated and vomited his partialy digested breakfast. Little did Chester know, his vengeance wasn't luck, but magic.