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Mari Alves
24 Sep 2010
London, England
Third year, Slytherin
28,9 cm black walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
FULL NAME: Mari Alves
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
YEAR: 3rd
AGE: 13


—Mari behaves with a confidence that suggests that she is capable of almost anything that comes her way, but on the other hand, she is very hard on herself and accepts the fact that she has failed in the worst way, unable to feel inferior to others.

She is very calculating in certain situations and manages to keep her cool, which is why she can drive people to exhaustion in an argument, but she is also very impulsive when she reaches her limit.

From an early age, she was taught to be very individualistic and ambitious (and continues to be so more and more).

Mari is very good at creating problems and running away from them when she wants to, and although she is quite individualistic and unsociable, in this case she prefers to create them with someone (whom she trusts).

Although her more outspoken side is considered negative, she manages to put it aside when she's with people she really likes, and when she really likes someone, she shows it and tries to be the best version of herself

---Face: tanned and almost no freckles. Her face is slightly round and soft-skinned.
--- Eyes: Medium, light and warm brown eyes.
--- Nose: Medium too, but with a very light tip.
--- Mouth: rounded, with some tones lighter than the natural skin color.
--- Hair: Medium, dark brown and wavy.
--- Height: About 155 cm.


---MOTHER (Diana Wolfson, Born:26/02/1986)
---FATHER (Michael Alves(Later, after the wedding, Michael Wolfson Alves!), Born: 17/09/1986),
---Brother ( Shantiago Alves, Born: 16/02/2016)
---Sister (Caroline Alves, Born: 13/09/2020 )


When Mari was 8 years old, in the evening it was time to open the present from her parents. Mari was very anxious to see how it would turn out. When Mari saw that her gift was a dog Mari was SOOOO happy and even cried with joy, and that's when the first instance of magic happened.... Mari was wearing shorts that day and had a huge wound on her knee that she caught playing at school, but when she cried tears when "touching" the frida she just... disappeared! When this happened, my mother was the first to notice and said "5 seconds" to my father. When I realized I was very happy because I knew I was already a witch and but also a little bit... nervous.
My mom later told me too when she found out it was magic... and coincidentally she was a lot like me

Mari lived with her mother (Diana Wolfson) and father (Micheal (Wolfson ) Alves), brother (Shantiago Wolfson Alves) and sister (Caroline Wolfson Alves)
His mother was born in Portugal and his father was born in London, but his mother moved to London at a young age, they were both wizards and worked in the same department "Department of Magical Law Enforcement" but they had never crossed paths, until the day they were both sent on a job to the muggle world of supposed wizards to be there breaking certain rules of their world. On the very first day they arrived in the muggle part of London, while neither his father nor his mother knew who had been sent to work with each other as they walked there, to get to know a little bit of that place, his father bumped into his mother and made her fall, and he was very worried, because he thought she had been hurt, but when he found out that she was fine they started talking and when they realized the coincidence over their time there they became great friends.
6 months later, Michael asked Mari's mother to be his girlfriend (and she naturally accepted), and, 1 and a half years later, there they were in Mari's mother's home country, her father asked her to marry him (so yes, Mari's father and mother are married) A few years later, her parents decided to temporarily move to Portugal (for family reasons on Mari's mother's part) and in those months Mari ended up being born!