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Zioniz Thomas
Wizard born
05 Jul 2010
Brighton, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,8 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: He's a white male with lime green coloured eyes, his hair is black, his height is 4'9

Mental Description: He's a social person who enjoys expressing his feelings, but sometimes he feels like he doesn't want to talk to anyone and usually shuts down not having much communication with anyone

Biography: His life was good, he has loving parents and brother who's two years younger who has always enjoyed being there for him, due to him being social he knew everyone but only had around a couple close friends since he didn't think everyone was amazing friend material, but he just enjoyed the concept of being friendly with anyone and everyone he met

First Instance of Magic: Zioniz father asked him to go and buy a new book of "Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century" due to the pages ripping apart easily, Zioniz went out and brought his little brother with him incase he needed a extra hand he soon brought the book and brought it in a bag he began walking with his little brother has someone who seems to be a year younger but much more larger than Zioniz bumped into him. Zioniz asked if he saw him and the kid said yeah, you have a problem. Zioniz got slightly frightened so he just went on holding his little brother close, the kid didn't tolerate the no response so he soon grabbed the bag and pulled out the book examined it before holding onto it, the kid soon said "Woah, you start yelling and now no response? Suck to suck I guess" The kid teased as Zioniz attempted grabbing the book was out of failure, the kid soon pushed him down as he teased "Should've answered" Zioniz didn't know what to do, he didn't want to give up but he had no choice but to, as Zioniz felt the most helpless he's ever felt before he witnessed the kid soon floating up, the kid ended up dropping the book Zioniz didn't question anything and pulled his brother along with him as he ran with the book in his hand while the kid chased him