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Raizel Voltrouz
30 Sep 2010
Souldern, England
Third year, Duelling Captain, Broom Racer, Gryffindor
26,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring

Physical Description:
Raizel is a girl with long dark brown hair that she sometimes wears in a ponytail but often wears it loose. She also has a pair of dark brown eyes. Raizel likes simple things, always wearing a shirt while at home and often paired with a set of shorts.

She is kind and loyal and always stays true to her beliefs. She is ready to help and will always put others', especially her friends' well-being before herself, sometimes earning a reminder from them to take care of herself as well. Despite her being quiet and kind most of the time, she could fight back if pushed to the limit of her patience, especially when there's injustice involved as well as her loved ones.

To strangers, she is quite shy and rarely talks but once she has warmed up to someone and is considered to be trustworthy, she will eventually open up and assure them that they will have her unyielding loyalty and show her true self, which is a girl that’s a bit adventurous, fun and quite playful. With this kind of personality, some might consider taking advantage of her but with her observant nature, she will be able to see through such lies. She, however, doesn't like conflicts so despite being used or taken advantage of, she wouldn't cause any but will slowly cut off ties with that person who is betraying her.

Born to Pure-Blood wizard, Ravi and Muggle-Born witch, Michelle. She also has a younger brother, Mizkie, who is 4 years old at the time of her acceptance to Hogwarts.

Both of her parents were students in Hogwarts and childhood friends. Raizel was exposed to the world of magic at an early age due to her parents and had been very fascinated by it. Her father often shows her a couple of harmless tricks like lighting the tip of his wand and her mother would let her watch the enchantments at work in their home, from sweeping the floor to washing the dishes. They were all simple things yet it was enough to spark her interest in magic.

She has little knowledge in the Muggle world but she is rather curious about it and would love to learn a few things about it and her mother would gladly help her with that. There were times that her mother would take her outside their magical home, asking questions on the new things she sees like a curious child that she is.

First Instance of Magic:
Raizel first showed signs of magic when she was 10 and soon to be 11 years old. While playing outside of their home, she climbed up one of the trees there and accidentally slipped off of the branch. Her father was there and was about to catch her fall but the girl had magically hovered before she could hit the ground, thus awakening her magical abilities. Her parents were relieved when she wasn't hurt and Ravi did earn a scolding from Michelle after that but things eventually turned out well and they celebrated the fact that Raizel had magic with a small feast in their humble home.