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Linda Ramirez
Wizard born
06 Mar 2011
Earley, England
Third year, Broom Captain, Writer, Validator, Gryffindor
23,1 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical description
Linda is 153 cm tall. She has light brown long hair with lighter part of hair. It's natural color that she got from parents. She likes to wear uniform. She adores blue, red, violet and gold colors. She likes to wear skirts and dresses, but also can wear trousers. In her second year, she dyed her hair into red. For hair color please see the profile picture and banner I am using.
Mental description
Linda is honest, brave girl. She is hardworking and likes to learn new things. She is trustworthy and likes to try something new. She's friendly.
Linda's father is coming from a very strict pureblood family. However, one day he met a muggleborn woman and loved her. Together they had a baby, whom they named Linda, but unfortunately, the woman died while giving birth. When Linda was around one, her father, Alex Ramirez married Roselia Blacklia (Ramirez after marriage). As Linda and her brother Siralb are from marriage between Alex Ramirez and muggleborn woman, who died while giving birth to Linda, Emily Ramirez is daughter of Alex and Roselia, making them half-siblings. However, due to her biological mother's death while giving birth and no one speaking about her ever since that time, IC Linda thinks they're all siblings from same parents. Her father's family never liked his first marriage, so it was easy for them to keep it from Linda. Linda's brother never said to Linda that they are both from their father's first marriage because father asked to not talk about it. And so they were living as one big family, considering pureblood woman, from father's second marriage, as their mother.

Linda, due to not been that close to her father's side of family, doesn't like the opinions they share about other blood statuses, resulting in her never speaking about her sister. So her first year in Hogwarts, she was saying she didn't have sister, only her older brother. However, this will change in her later years in Hogwarts, when her sister starts to go to Hogwarts as well. Linda will admit to her friends that she has a sister and will explain she didn't say it earlier as she chose for herself it would be easier to pretend like Emily wasn't related to her. But now it's time for Linda to stop running from her father's side of family and accept them with eventually trying to finally get closer to her sister.

Family is not big but all members are pureblood. It contains mother, father, brother, younger sister and Linda. Brother is older than Linda by 7 years, he is still single. Since birth Linda was around wizards and witches. Her day she spent playing in the garden with her friends, group of five people: two guys and others are girls. They all are the same age and always spend time talking about new broomsticks that appeared in the shop, dreaming to buy one of them in the future. They are supporting same Quidditch team and their parents are taking them to Cup. All her friends are pureblood and half-blood, but they heard about muggle born wizards and would like to know more about them and their world.
It was sunny day. Linda was playing as usual in the garden and she wanted to read a book, but she didn't know what to read. Suddenly something strange and unexpected happened, a pile of books appeared in front of her in the air. She was so surprised they even don't fall, as if waiting her to choose. She was 9 years old, so she went to tell her parents about it and she knew that it was accident magic.


There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
"We see things as we are, not as they are."
Kaya is 5'6. She has long brown hair, usually straight but can be curly a little. She has brown eyes that will be light brown on sun. She will wear school uniform during lessons, but in free time will choose to wear t-shirt with skirt or shorts in spring and summer. In winter she will wear sweatshirt with trousers. She will always wear emblem of Thunderbird as she is proud to be in this house.
you should know you're beautiful just the way you are
"Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are."
Kaya is active and likes adventures and exploring. She is trustworthy and very optimistic. She will always help if it's needed. Kaya Rose is extrovert.
you don't have to change