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Noah Sakunosuke
31 May 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,4 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical appearance:
Noah has jet-black hair and dark eyes, and comes up to 138cm no matter how much he eats, to his annoyance. After all, being shorter than average is only good for hiding in small spaces. He's also fairly skinny, and prefers to hide it under loose clothing. Noah doesn't show many facial expressions, contributing to an impressive poker face.

Noah is a quiet, curious child. He likes to read adventure stories, and is usually content to let others take the lead. He prefers to be alone, liking the quiet tranquillity with only his own thoughts for company. He is very fickle, becoming tired of things quickly, and is not one to put more effort into something that he finds boring than absolutely necessary. However, if something does catch his interest he will actively pursue it with a single-mindedeness that contradicts his reserved nature.

Noah likes soft, comfortable clothing in dark and neutral colors. He enjoys most sweets, especially muggle ones that don't jump around or have weird reactions. He prefers black tea over juice, and severely dislikes grapefruits. He despises sudden, loud noises and has an aversion to overly-emotional people. Abroromantic.

Noah has a busy but overbearing Chinese mother, who nags and fusses whenever she can. His English father is somewhat distant, with a perfectionist personality that is ill-suited for raising a child. He leaves Noah alone for the most part, until he has done kind of task for him to do. Noah loves both his parents, but would rather stay at a distance, not being able to stand the excessive physical affection from his mother and the perpetually commanding tone of his father.

Accidental Wandless magic:
Noah was nine years old when he was passing by a construction site on his way to a muggle library. One of the workers misjudged the force that was needed to topple the building, and some pieces came flying right at Noah. Before they could hit and possibly kill him, Noah raised his hands to shield his face on instinct and the debris smashed into some kind of invisible barrier. He never told his mother, as he didn't want to have to explain his semi-frequent trips to the muggle world.