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Nathan Harper
05 Nov 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
32,3 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: While a little small for his age, Nate is usually described as average; average build, unremarkable brown hair, dark grey eyes and boy next door features that suit him just fine.

Mental Description: Most people would call him quiet or withdrawn. Nate is mostly introverted, he appreciates calm and quiet activities like reading above anything else. He is not necessarily anti social but would choose to be by himself rather than spending time with someone he does not like.

Biography: Nate was born in a single parent home in London. His mother raised him as well as she could but she had had him young. She had dozens of menial jobs throughout Nate's life and he had to learn how to take care of himself rather quickly. Sadly, Sarah Drake, his only family, died in a car crash 3 months before he received his Hogwarts letter. He now lives in a foster home, being looked after by an elderly woman along with four younger children.

First Instance of Magic: Nate had a few moments of accidental magic, but not enough for him to truly take notice until the letter came. The first time was when his mother had left for work and he had accidentally locked himself out of the house at the age of 7. The panic he felt outside the safety of his house pushed his magic to unlock the door.