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Maggie Young
09 Jan 2011
Old Hampton, Scotland
Second year, Hufflepuff
24,3 cm chestnut wood and troll whisker
Physical and Mental Description: Maggie is nothing if not determined, to succeed in life, to be rich and independant and happy, and believes that if she tries hard and is steadfast she can triumph against the looming threat of failure. Thus though she is not intelligent, hardwork and effort allow Maggie to do well in school. She is amicable, with an easy smile and open face, although quite soft-spoken and reserved around adults. Maggie holds quite a sweet appearance, with blonde hair and soft, hazel-brown eyes. She has a round face with weathered, though fair, skin, and is in all other aspects very ordinary.

Biography: Maggie was born in Derbyshire, England to a half-blood wizard and pureblood witch, but would go on to reside with her mother’s parents at the age of five years. Her grandparents were under long-term employment of the wealthy wizarding Langdon Smith family, and when Maggie was nine years old she made close friends with Cecily Langdon Smith, a childless young woman who offered to raise Maggie as a ward of her family. Maggie’s grandparents were quick to accept the proposal, and Maggie moved to the family’s Old Hampton home in Scotland a year later, where she has resided ever since.

First Instance of Magic: Maggie's first instance of magic was at the age of eight, slightly late for a magical child, and a cause of concern for Maggie's grandparents, who she was living with at the time. They were incredibly happy when the kettle suddenly began to blow furiously amid an argument debating if Maggie should be allowed to play with her friends after tea, although it remained firm that Maggie must wait until tomorrow to see her friends.