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Erica Posey
11 Nov 2010
Eastbourne, England
Second year, Slytherin
21,4 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Erica's parents moved to Eastbourne, England after trying to escape the Wizarding World - hoping that a "normal" muggle life would be safer. Her parents took extra care into not letting her notice any magical element in their household. (But as you know, children are very observant and can be more perceptive than we expect them to be.) Suspiciously, they were always followed by owls.

She never knew she was a witch until her 9th birthday and her magic manifested before her very eyes, blowing up a light bulb in a panic when she can't make her younger brother stop crying. After this incident, she found her magic clumsy, but explosive. It was due to this that her parents decided it was safer that she study in Hogwarts and learn how to control her magic properly. Even then, her mother (who was the only 'other' witch in the family) didn't make an effort to teach her what she knows - it was as if she has forgotten.

She is a bubbly girl, albeit very shy and somewhat frightened of her magic. She loves her younger brother dearly and will protect him at all costs. She didn't want to leave him, but agreed to please her parents. Her deciding point was when she was told she could hurt him if she didn't know how to control her magic properly.

Standing 4' 8" tall, she has an aggressive feel about her.
Her medium-length, shiny, brunette hair, currently dyed jet black, is worn in afropuffs.
She has alert, wide set, blue eyes, an angular face and smooth cheeks. She wears light lipstick, smokey eye-shadow, an unsuitably-colored foundation for an immaculate look, royal purple blush and pale eyeliner.