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Olivia Holmes
08 Aug 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
((This is my first time ever making a Harry Potter OC. I've read the books and seen the movies, but that was many years ago. I can be rather ignorant of certain aspects, like forgetting Lumos is a wand spell. Please bear with me and help me out with anything I may need assistance with. Healthy criticism is appreciated.))

Physical Description: She has green eyes and brunette hair that parts at her forehead and reaches down to the base of her neck. Her height is about average for her age. Her face is often a stoic expression that lacks any real feeling unless she is annoyed or proud after accomplishing something.

Mental Description: Despite a somewhat strict upbringing, Olivia is somewhat of a "know-it-all" and takes just a little bit too much pride in her pure-blood. She believes herself to be above others, but only because she was raised that way. She is open minded enough to accept others are capable when they show as much.

Unlike other children her age, she has ambitions to be as successful as her family. It is difficult for her to open up and not take everything seriously. She acts with grace and decorum one would expect from a prim and proper young lady, but she is also rather egotistical.

Due to her strict upbringing, it would not be surprising if she one day had a rebellious streak. One might even call her a troublemaker one day, but only time will tell!

Biography: Olivia had a lot of expectations placed on her by her parents, who were quite successful on their own. They raised her with discipline and sometimes tough love, but it was all to prepare her for what they've said is her "destiny". She is destined for greatness is what they tell her, and that she will one day leave her mark on the world. Despite this, however, she did have friends, but they were somewhat shallow relationships made only because of business between their parents or because they were arranged for some sort of benefit between families.

With Hogwarts awaiting her, it is possible many things will change for her. Whether or not she sticks with her elitist mindset or finds a new one, as of this moment, she is simply looking forward to the experience.

First Instance of Magic: There was an occasion once when she was eight years old where the electricity in her home had gone out. She found herself quite scared since her parents had been out, but from that fear and adrenaline, she managed to manifest a spark of light from her hands that dimly lit her room.

She was surprised, but proud that she could finally tell her parents she had finally used magic. She learned that day as well, that there was no need to be afraid of the dark.