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Linnea Garten
21 Aug 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Linnea is of average height, with gold-flecked brown eyes and peach-colored skin. She has black hair that is dyed lilac at the ends, about shoulder-length and wavy at the ends.

She is funny and smart, but she can have a smart tongue at times. She likes to joke around but has a serious side she shows when she is given writing assignments. Linnea tries to be empathetic to other people, and when people are hurt or crying, she can sometimes cry too.

I lived on Elderhall Street with my parents and my little brother (adopted, no magical talent). I went to Talhall Elementary, where I got generally good grades and was very good at art class. I love cute and cuddly animals and had a dog (called Noodle) who my brother now takes care of. I did not bring him to Hogwarts.

I was in first grade (Talhall Elementary, 6 years old) when a boy, Jamie, who was known as a school bully, ran up to me holding a snakeskin he had found in the sandpit. He waved it right in my face, and I thought it was a real snake. I screamed and fell over, but Jamie tossed it at me and it landed on my chest. I threw it off, and started running away from the snake. Jamie followed me, shaking the snakeskin, but I was faster than him. He leapt to tackle me, but there was a flash and both me and Jamie were thrown backwards. As I got older, I thought that this had been a nightmare (courtesy of the Obliviators), but upon entering Hogwarts I realized it had been real.