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Stacey Clingerman
26 Jul 2011
Camden, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
31,8 cm poplar wood and unicorn hair
ready for school

Physical Description: I am a witch with blue eyes, and I dyed my hair blue with silver. Also, I am a white female. I am 4'9." I kind of have a belly. also.

Mental Description: I am very shy and funny some of the time. very loving and sweet. love plants and animals. a farm girl with lot of stray cats around, one dog and an owl that hides. I love anime and playing with my friends from school. I am a little crazy. have a hard time spelling words also I have ADHD. I know about the wizard world because my dad told me stories about living there and him coming here to meet my mom when he got out of Hogwarts.

I am a little bit poor but that's okay I have a two-story house and farmland. I have a dad that has magic powers and my mom a Mugil. I have a 12 year old brother who does not like magic I don't know why but i told him I could not wait to go to Hogwarts have a younger sister she not old enough to go with me so she a little sad

my first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic was at 2 when I blued up a tv when I was mad and very Aggrey at stepdad i was like what happen because no one told me i had magic in me, he was surprised because my mom did not tell him I was a half blood.