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Meris Barovar
11 Jul 2011
Llanharan, Wales
Second year, Gryffindor
32,7 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Meris sits on the ground looking up at the tree towering above her. Her eyes swirl with the color of the swaying leaves above her. The wind whips through her long brown hair making a tangled mess of it all. Upon picking up a falling leaf she examines it in her pudgy little hands. Expertly she smooths it. After wrapping it in paper places it inside a book then places the book in her cardigan pocket.

Mental Description: Meris is generally happy but quiet girl. She is kind and thoughtful. She likes to help everyone feel included.

She gets frustrated if someone doesn't believe her because she is a very truthful girl. She is confident as well. She did watch the princess bride once and has nightmares about unusually large rodents.

She likes to read and draw and values time with her family. Her best friend is her younger twin sister - the older one. She is very creative and also loves nature and spends a lot of time alone out in the areas surrounding her home.

In her muggle school she did well in most of her subjects. Writing was a struggle for her. Generally, she had to many ideas on one page and a struggle to reign them in. Despite not having a lot of access to technology in her home this is one of her most favorite classes and she does it very well. In her class they had Minecraft for Education and she enjoyed programming her agent to mine and built for her. She once spent a whole week of lunch times designing a building program for it. She also dabbled in Redstone.

Biography: Meris lives in a little brown house out in the country near Llanharan. She goes to school like most little girls her age. She read books and spends a great deal of time outdoors. She comes from a large family with 4 sisters and 2 brothers. She is not the oldest or the youngest child - landing somewhere in the middle. She is kind to most people and values her independence. Her best friend is a 5-year-old calico cat that sleeps on her bed most nights. She shares her room with the twins who are 2 years younger than her. It makes for a cramped space. Her wall is plastered with drawings of insects and animals as well as pressed flowers and plants from the country around her home.

First Instance of Magic: Meris sits under her favorite tree. A hairy wood ant scurries over her shoe. Her hand goes into her pocket and pulls out her trusty sketchbook, which at this point is nearly full. She takes her pencil and begins to draw the little ant. The ant climbs down the side of her shoe out of view. Meris sighs and turns her shoe, careful not to hurt the little insect. Unfortunately, it's already on the ground and after a few moments she spies it.

She speaks tersely to the ant, “You’re too small, hold still.” Her pencil thumps the other side of the ant to keep it from running out of site again. It scurries in the other direction. After attempting to sketch it one more time Meris throws her pencil, and it lands in the soil a few feet away from her and the little ant.

She looks back, blinks her eyes and wipes them. The ant is growing larger, and larger, its nearly the size of her small toe now.

It must be a dream; she thinks to herself. The ant continues to grow. It’s now the size of her foot – now it’s as tall as she is. She screams and, abandoning her precious pencil, she runs toward the house without looking back. The ant scampers in the opposite direction. Meris runs all the way to the kitchen, where mam is baking bread. She slams into her mam’s skirts and points toward the woods, a frightened look in her eyes.
“Mam!” Meris shouts emphatically, “The ant … the ant, it’s huge!” Then her voice softens slightly, and she tries to explain what she’s just seen.
“That must have been some ant, Meris!” Mam says to her with a smile on her face, “but it’s time to calm down now and get the table set. It’s time for cinio.”
Meris looks into her mam’s face in frustration, she points out the door and tries to spot the ant to show her mam, but it’s gone. She throws her hands down and pouts.
“It was there, mam,” she says sullenly and grabs the forks out of the drawer which has been opened for her and begins to set the table.