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Reuben Reilly
12 Jan 2011
Newry, Ireland
Second year, Gryffindor
28,8 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
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Physical description
A young boy with bright sapphire eyes contrasted by his unruly, dark wavy hair, often obscuring his sparkling eyes much to his exasperation. Reuben has the most luscious and velvety skin complexion. His mother often joked about how it was almost too smooth for a little mischievous boy like him! He glowed with youthful vitality, his skin seeming to radiate happiness and health. Reuben wears clothes that reflect his radiant spirit. He often chooses vibrant colours, fun patterns and bold designs when picking out an outfit. His look is daring yet comfortable, with a mix of modern styles and classic pieces.

Personality & Upbringing
He is a person of limitless potential; his curiosity is irrepressible and his enthusiasm for the world around him is infectious. His personality exudes an indefatigable spirit and unparalleled energy, allowing him to pursue passions that other children wouldn't even contemplate. With precocious insight and shrewd intelligence, he has no shortage of original ideas or zealous determination. At times, he can be quite mischievous, making his friends audibly guffaw with laughter from his clever pranks. But despite this impishness, his infectious smile lights up a room and his positive outlook is contagious.

Not unlike many, Reuben grew up in a modest abode in the suburbs of Newry in Northern Ireland. His parents, who have always encouraged him to think outside the box and pursue his interests, provided a stable and loving home. They instilled in Reuben values of wit, responsibility, determination and integrity. These ideals have allowed him to persevere through difficult times and discover new opportunities that he can then use to develop himself. His parents' nurturing guidance has helped Reuben shape his character, allowing him to become a compassionate individual who is ready to take on whatever comes his way with enthusiasm and excitement.

Reuben has always been adventurous and on occasion, a mischievous boy. Growing up in a loving home, he was encouraged to pursue his passions and take risks. As such, he often found himself pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable with his parents. This sometimes caused trouble, while at the age of seven one of his ill-behaved streaks resulted in him being grounded by his mother. In a fit of anger, Reuben unintentionally transfigured his mother's beautiful necklace into a rubber band! He stood there in shock as he realized what he had done and immediately felt guilty. Unbeknownst to him, this would change his life forever as his first act of accidental wandless magic.
