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Crystal Millington
Tiverton, England
First year, Slytherin
22,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Crystal was always a hot-headed person.  Whether it be on the best day of her life or the worst day of her life, she can always find someone or something to yell at or get frustrated about.  She also can be reckless and careless, or very cold and harsh most of the time.  She is easily frustrated about almost anything, and she seems to be a perfectionist about almost anything she does.  But, she doesn't do everything perfectly obviously.  Though, if somehow you do become her friend she tends to become extremely protective of you.  She can be mildly understanding, polite, and pleasant.  Her physical attributes are: A mix or fair and pale skin, dyed white neck-length hair (her natural hair color was black hair), bright blue eyes.  She tends to like reading, drawing, and being in areas that are silence and don't have many or any people at all in it.  She also tends to go for tea (black tea specifically) and Eton mess if she is offered food and drink.  She seems to dislike any form of affection (hugs, cuddles, etc.) or anything dealing with rain as well (thunder, lightning, etc.)  She also dislikes not being in control of whatever situation she's in.  Her strengths are: Agility, smarts, loyalty, and bravery.  Her weaknesses are: Anger issues, not being able to work well with almost anyone, trust issues, acting in such a way that you will not realize that she actually cares for you if she actually does, not realizing she cares for someone or something until it's too late.  Her fears are: Lightning and thunder, along with the fact that she has philophobia.  When you hear her speak, you will notice that she has a monotone voice.  The only time she puts an effort into putting emotion into her voice is when she is truly or extremely happy or angry and/or frustrated.  Other times, she acts completely neutral and monotone towards anyone or anything.  But, if you do hear her laughing she will sound extremely weird (though slightly adorable) due to her tone of voice.  She also has an extremely weird sense of humor.  Background: She grew up purely around magic whether it was around family or her old friends.  She was grown up in a family that is all about manners, politeness, and being completely refined.  Crystal highly hates this and this is what formed her carelessness and recklessness.  She was scolded a lot for this in years, but because of this it is what formed her coldness and harshness.  Being expected to act in a very formal like manner and as a 'pureblood should' frustrated and angered her to the point she inherited her anger issues.  Though, she did get the perfectionist side of her family.  But, her entire life was not like this.  Being able to spend time and do things with her father did help her with her anger issues and such, balancing her personality out so that there were bad things, but there was enough good things about her (such as being understanding) that she would not be purely hated or purely liked.