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Brianna Bowden
21 Dec 2010
Galway, Ireland
Second year, Ravenclaw
20,2 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:

Brianna Bowden is a vertically challenged girl with brown eyes and shiny blonde hair.

She loves wearing fancy dresses, but only on occasion. Otherwise, she wears normal muggle clothing that suits her half-muggle parentage and upbringing in a muggle town. The only constant in her outfits is a simple silver bracelet with a worn clasp and three small gems along the band: a sapphire, a strange almost silvery type of quartz, and an amethyst.

Mental Description:

Brianna is very curious about the world around her. Since she was born to a witch, yet raised in a muggle home, she doesn't have a sense of belonging. It's as if she's on the outside looking into both halves of her bloodline, so she's very interested in both.

Brianna was raised by a single father after her mother's tragic death. She loves her dad so very much, but he has had quite a negative influence on her. Specifically, she's picked up on his dad joke habit. She doesn't make them too often, but certainly often at the wrong moments.

She doesn't deal well with stressful, high stakes situations. She uses the humor she learned from her dad to diffuse them whenever possible, but otherwise she typically just shies away and avoids conflict as best she can.


Brianna Bowden was born to a witch and a muggle father in Dublin. Her mother was an auror, and with that career comes a lot of risk. The family learned of that first hand when the young girl's mother died, leaving the three-year-old and her father all alone in the world.

Unsure what to do with a magical baby alone, her father Liam did what he would have done with a nonmagical baby alone. He took her to his hometown and raised her up like normal.

She learned of magic's existence as a child, and Liam explained what he could about her mother's magical capabilities, but the details were lost on the poor man, so Brianna's magical education prior to school was woefully incomplete. At most, she had a few old books that she didn't quite understand left behind by her mother.

In most other ways, the girl was essentially a muggle.

First Instance of Magic:

At the age of nine, Brianna's magical abilities finally surfaced.

Her father had brought her along to dinner with him and his boss, and when the talks turned to business, the girl wandered outside to explore with his hesitant permission. What began as a short walk to the nearby River Corrib ended with her slipping along the bank and falling into the large body of water.

She was young, but not stupid. She'd fully expected to drown, but to her surprise, she landed on a patch of ice that had seemed to appear out of nowhere just where she landed. She might have chalked it up to luck if it hadn't been the middle of summer.

That night, her father had to sit her down and have a real, honest conversation about her education and what that might entail.