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Luna Frey
Wizard born
09 Jan 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,8 cm willow wood and troll tail hair
Physical Description: Luna is a thin young woman with the muscle mass of someone who lives a moderately active lifestyle. Her muscle mass is concentrated in her thighs and arms since most of her strenuous activity comes from swimming. She is 4.5 feet tall and has not grown an inch for several years. She has long black hair that extends to the small of her back which she usually wears down. She takes care of her hair but she doesn’t care much to tie it up since she always seems to mess it up. Her experience with makeup isn’t much different – she uses it but only a little because too much always makes her hate how she looks. She has thick eyebrows which she meticulously threads every week. Luna has blue eyes that have a gentle look to them.

Mental Description: She is a sociable person. She gets along with just about anyone. The people she doesn't like are those who flaunt their success in her face.

Biography: She grew up in a relatively normal household. Her dad and mum both had careers as pencil pushers at the ministry. Her friends were plentiful and fun to be around.

First Instance of Magic: She was at a pool and made someone's swimming trunks turn invisible on accident. Luna was nine years old when it happened and it just happened. She had no intention of turning the boy's trunks disappear but she was angry at him for teasing her about the baby toys she'd brought with her to play with. Luna's emotions during and after the event were of humor and joy. She thought the boy got what he deserved and it wasn't until after it was over with that she realized she'd been the one who caused it to happen in the first place. Her parents were not very happy with her and yelled at her in public because they'd been around muggles but when they got home they told her that it was completely natural for this sort of thing to happen and that she should be happy.