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Pádraig Chulainn
07 Mar 2011
Cork, Ireland
Second year, Gryffindor
24,1 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Pádraig is tall for his age standing at 5'0 / 153cm. He has grey blue eyes, bushy eyebrows and short cut dirty blonde hair, he has a sharp pointed nose with fairly wide nostrils, a sharp jawline and red hued cheeks. His smile is a bit crooked when smiles and frowns, giving him an almost eagle-like appearance at times due to the sharp pointed nose and pursed lips. He is broad shouldered for his age and of a stocky build.

Mental Description: He is an introverted person, he prefers his own company rather than that of others, however he has learnt to be more socialable when around those of his own age as he does feel lonely at times and tend to seek refuge in books and stories. He has a calm demeanour and patientence, perhaps more than what is good for his own sake. While he is slow to anger and frustration, when he does become angry he can loose his sensibility and tend to act out in ways his parents would find unbefitting of him.

Biography: Born to a Danish father and an Irish mother both hailing from pure-blooded wizard families he has been brought up in a family with varying traditions where his father is more traditional in his approach to magic, culture and family life, it was his father who was primarily responsible for his education while he was being homeschooled and with a particular emphasis on the traditional teachings and what some may consider more narrow-minded viewpoints and elements of study. His mother is quite a lot more progressive when it comes to upbringing and culture, which sometimes causes clashes between the family sides as his father wished for him to attend Durmstrang Institute instead of Hogwarts as he did, as he feels the school circularium offered at Durmstrang would be better suited to him as his father is under the opinion the circularium offered at Hogwarts is a lot more restricted and in his words "Does not prepare a person for the reality of the wizarding world." Which led to a fierce schism forming between the two sides of his family however ultimately the compromise was reached that Pádraig would attend Hogwarts and during holiday periods will spend time with his family in Denmark and be taught magic in a traditional manner by his father and relatives during this time, a further stipulation that was agreed was that he must prove that he is progressing and excelling at Hogwarts or he will be forced to change schools and attend Durmstrang Institute where the teaching methods are more disciplinary oriented for those students whom are not performing well in their studies. Having a family split between those favouring traditions and those who favours progression has let him to feel as if his family is torn between two factions and with the stipulations imposed on him for his stay in Hogwarts has caused him a lot of grief and instilled a feeling of pressure to perform well.

First Instance of Magic: Pádraig's first instance of magic occurred at the age of 6 during on of his father's lectures of the history of prominent Scandinavian wizards and witches as he imagined himself dearly to not be stuck inside listening to a boring lecture regarding the distinctive differences between those whom take up the trappings of Völva or Seiðr and those whom in fact were a wizard or witch, when suddenly the letters on the blackboard started dancing around on the board to an imaginary tune in his head, thinking first he was imagining things until a loud outburst was voiced by his father which caused the letters to return to their static still state once more. While he father was furious at his lack of decorum for disrupting the lecture in such crude manner he was still praised for his first instance of magic, which was then followed by an extra long lecture of the history of wandless magic and its use in the practice of Seidr.