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Lizzie Rose Hawksley
21 Sep 2010
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,4 cm mayhaw wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: Lizzie is a very tall and lanky. She has long, bright ginger hair, falling to about her mid back. Her blue and green blended eyes are quite pale, sometimes almost looking like gray. She has many freckles all over her body.

Mental Description: Lizzie is a quiet young girl, she often has a book with her to read. She is kind to those who are kind to her, but mean to those mean to her. The girl doesn't look very confident but always is the first to raise her hand for a question. Lizzie is also very short tempered and impulsive.

Biography: Lizzie hass no magical relations. Her mother died when she was young but Her father could never bare to tell how. her mother had been in a terrible car accident and died before she could be taken to the hospital. Her muggle father works as a politician, he isn't around most of the time. She has an older brother, Brian, and a younger brother, James. Lizzie had been the first of her family to get a Hogwarts letter, meaning she received much jealously from her older brother. The three children live with their fathers parents. They all attended public schooling, all receiving good marks.

First Instance of Magic: Lizzie's first instance of accidental magic was performed at school. She had been very nervous about an upcoming math test. The girl was sweating by the time the teacher had passed all the tests out. When the teacher had them begin, Lizzie began to look through her test and saw all the questions were already answered in her handwriting.