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Moonwatcher Shapesinger
24 Sep 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
34,5 cm hawthorn wood and snallygaster heartstring
small with black hair and green eyes, has glasses, always has a sad look. Has a permanent blue streak in her hair. Tomboy. Usually wears a collar with an odd straight pendant on it.

sad and lonely, Doesn’t really like dresses, hates the colour pink, loves the colour navy blue. Usually seen wearing an oversized sweater, never seen without a sweater on (exept for maybe summer).
Favourite subjects are Charms and Potions

lives with movie star mom, photographer dad, perfect sister, perfect brother, her twin sister Pam and a pink poodle.
[/music]loves pop music and country
Parent’s least favourite child.
at 8th birthday party parents invited a bunch of famous families that had kids her age. One of those kids was a girl she didn’t like. They were arguing in the kitchen when suddenly her cake, that was on the counter, exploded all over the kitchen.
actually really hates girls because she thinks they’re so stuck up. Prefers to hang out with boys and tomboys, or no one at all
Pronouns are She/Her
Likes reading, sewing, swimming, boxing, soccer, writing, drawing and volleyball
Sister is 4 years older, loves pink and dresses, first signs of magic from her were when she was 4 years old. Parent’s favourite child.
Brother is 3 years older, likes sports, the colour blue, first signs of magic from him was when he was 6 years old.