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Kyle Sutton
16 Apr 2011
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
30,0 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Kyle Sutton (he/they)
Avatar faceclaim by Rita Su

Physical Description: He has short brown hair (in a buzz cut), hazel eyes, he is about 4'7, lots of freckles on face and arms, otherwise he is pale. The clothing he often wears (when out of uniform) is pretty dark, (usually browns, blacks, and reds) and casual (jeans, sweatshirts, tshirts, sneakers, and boots) he also often wears feminine clothing such as skirts, dresses, nail polish, ect.

Mental Description: Most would consider him nerdy(interest in DnD, video games, books, ect.), and LOVES zombie movies/books. Intelligence-wise, he is average. He's kind of awkward around strangers but quite rambunctious when around friends. He thinks Hogwarts is the coolest place ever, and when he grows up he wants to be a professor there.

Biography: His father (George Sutton) is a wizard, his mother (Miriam) is a muggle, Kyle grew up middle class in London with influences of both the wizarding and "normal" world. He had a close-knit group of friends (they were muggles, so they didn't know about him or his father and he went to Hogwarts under the pretense of "Scholarship to Fancy Private School"). His Mother is an engineer and his Father works at Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley.

First Instance of Magic: He was about 8 years old and dropped a glass of milk, instead of it falling, it started levitating back to his hand (although he was so shocked he dropped it again, actually breaking it).