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Ashley Hart
10 Sep 2010
London, England
First year, Slytherin
33,2 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: I am 5 feet tall, have black hair which I dyed blond, small, upturned brown eyes, long lashes, a small nose, long arms and legs, small ears, a light "dusting" of freckles, and what's called "Hollywood" lips.

Mental Description: I have four friends, non of which are in UK, I am currently depressed,(The reason being the fact that I have no one to talk to about my problems bc my friend are, like, scattered all over the world, and I am an introvert, so I probably wouldn't tell them anything anyway. And, I like don't really talk to my parents that much, bc my Mom, Dad, Sister or brother wouldn't really understand, so, yeah.) my fav animal is a snake, I love the color black, and I am very ambitious practical, sensible, am Virgo, And can be very single-minded sometimes.

Biography: I have a twin sister, Ava (She's a squib), a 7 year old brother, Aiden, my Father is Japanese muggle (Akihiko), and my Mother is an American witch (Freyja). My life is pretty good, I live in the country in a large house and a big garden, I'm really good at swimming, dancing, and quidditch, and before I got my letter from Hogwarts we would travel. A lot. I've been to America, Japan, Ukraine, Hungary, Turkey, France, and Australia.

First Instance of Magic: I was about 6 playing hide and seek in the forest near my house with my dad when a tree branch broke above me. Instead of crushing me it just bounced off, like I was made out of rubber or something.