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Roxette Hartmore
08 Jul 2011
Claughton, England
Second year, Quidditch player, Hufflepuff
27,1 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
Her nose is like a round triangle. She has plump lips and slightly bent eyebrows. She has very soft features. Her cheeks are rounded with some baby fat she hasn't quite lost yet. She can look cold and rude by her features at times.
Height: 4ft
Weight: 75lbs
Build: Slim
Eye Color: Dark Brown, she does use color contacts using blue, green, or red
Hair Color: natural black, she dyes it occasionally

Mental Description:
She is extremely bright, cheerful, and a dreamer. Her bubbly personality is what people find the most attractive besides her musical genius. She has often calls herself a therapist, especially as she mediates between arguing members of her friends. She can be protective of her friends, oftentimes she would defend her loved ones and friends before even thinking about her own wellbeing.
Likes: Hanging out with friends, Music, Singing, Writing, Animals
Dislikes: Messing up her assignments, Bullies, Violence, Being alone, Being treated like she is an emotional mess
Dreams: becoming a professional songwriter or a broomstick racer
Fears: somebody finding out her most personal thoughts, Losing her friends, being isolated/abandoned
Hobbies: writing, singing, music, baking, flying
Habits/Quirks: Tugging her earlobe, Clicking her tongue against her teeth, always waking up to writing in her diary or song journal, when stressed out her voice goes more low and soothing like if she were to sing a lullaby

Biography: Roxette was born to a witch and wizard. She's one of two children and is the younger sibling. She is close to her sibling yet they had their fair share of arguments. Her sibling is four years older than her and decided to go aboard for their schooling upon getting their Hogwarts letter. She knew that she would go to Hogwarts as she didn't like the idea of traveling for long distance.

Her mother had a long lineage of magic back ten generations, she would proudly proclaimed. She went to MAHOUTOKORO for her magical schooling before getting a job as a healer in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in the Magical Bugs department.

Her father was a muggleborn wizard from London, England. His parents were muggles, a baker and a seamstress, who were originally from South Korea. He went to Hogwarts, sorting into Gryffindor House though the Sorting Hat was divided with its decision. He had made known to his children about his Sorting to help ease his children of nerves. He became an Owlet trainer after graduating.

When she was seven years, they moved to South Korea for awhile. She was able to make a good friend before she needed to moved back to the United Kingdoms a few years later. She just got her Hogwarts letter and can't wait to go to school, especially as she found out her friend from Korea had moved and was enrolled in Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: She was about three years old, when she first did accidentally magic at least the first that was observed by anybody. She was going to get a cookie from the jar when her mother sternly told her she couldn't have it. Her motherplaced the cookies jar into a higher shelf causing her to cry. After a while, the cookie jar tilted over. Her parents were both to shock and pride that they didn't bother berating her.