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Sulan Arteman
13 Sep 2010
Manchester, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,9 cm ash wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Sulan has a dusky complexion. He is average height for his age at 150 cm and is chubby. He had a scar on his forehead when once banged his head accidentally on the bathroom basin, but it is not visible anymore.

Mental Description: Sulan is a reserved kid. He likes to draw and his notes are full of doodles. He also plays a lot of video games and likes reading. He stays quiet but he is smart and was respected by his peers in his previous school because he respected their skills.

Biography: Sulan’s family is well-off. His father is a businessman dealing in handcrafted decor. He brought the family up from the brink of poverty. Sulan saw their wealth grow over time, so he has great love for his parents. His mother is a wizard, and she met his father by chance and they fell in love. Their families were not rich, but now they have most of what they want. Sulan is happy with his life and looks forward to the next thing.

First Instance of Magic: It was when Sulan broke his forehead on the bathroom sink. He was 9. While taking a shower, his shampoo cap fell on the floor. He bent to pick it and hit his head. He didn’t realise he had hit it so hard that it got cut open. It was only when he saw the blood that he panicked, and that was when the water stopped flowing. Held in motion, the drops seemed to try and cover his wound and prevent the bleed. He came out the shower with a scar. It is not there anymore, but he sometimes feels like it is up there in essence.