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Sorcha Maywood
Kinsale, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
33,1 cm aspen wood and rougarou hair
Sorcha was born in Kinsale Ireland to two caring parents, George and Becca Maywood. The oldest of three children, Sorcha loves her younger two brothers who look up to her greatly. She has always been involved in sports growing up, yet school was a big priority for her family. Her mother is a psychologist and her father a family medicine doctor, they want her to do her best in school. However, Sorcha has always loved activity and adventure above school-- anything to get her adrenaline going. So when her letter from Hogwarts came in, Sorcha was was ecstatic! It took a lot of convincing, but eventually Sorcha's parents gave in and said she could attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

It is very easy for Sorcha to make friends given her high energy and giving personality, but it is rather hard to keep them, as a lot of people can get overwhelmed and annoyed by her always being present. However, Sorcha is a team player and has learned that sometimes she jsut needs to give people their space. It still gets to her though...

Sorcha stands at 140 centimeters, so pretty average for her age. She is a bit skinny, but she has some muscle tone in her legs due to an active lifestyle. Her hair is a true Irish red, and her eyes are a pretty green-blue. She has a few freckles on her face, but really aren't that noticeable. When she is in class, she wears reading glasses but hates them immensly.