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Irina Shevel
02 Sep 2010
Gloucester, England
Second year, Gryffindor
30,5 cm reed wood and wampus cat hair
Physical Description - Irina has classic dark-brown coloured hair that falls just below her shoulder. Her eyes are upturned, long-lashed and a blue/green colour. She has olive/tan coloured skin and an oval shaped face thats covered in freckles! (She also went to a quidditch match a few days before hogwarts began, so some of the temporary ink is still on her face). She has a fairly athleticly shaped body whilst being kinda thin and is around 4'11. She's usually covered in scrapes and bruises as she is incredibly clumsy and liable to falling over or into things. She's also covered in dirt with a squirrel nest hairstyle cause she spends so much time outside and loves getting messy!

Mental Description - Irina is incredibly bubbly and cheerful, very extroverted and INSANELY confident (occasionally leaning towards arrogant). She is fairly smart and her grades are ok but she's not a straight A student. Irina is very empathetic and able to read others' emotions well. She's quick to anger, slow to forget but willing to forgive. She took a muggle quiz that Aunt Liz (her uncle's muggle wife) showed her which said she was ENFP-A! Extroverted, intuitive, feeling and judging. Doesn't know what the heck any of it means but it sounded cool!
She prefers active lessons, lessons where she can get up and wave her wand or spend her time fighting a venomous tentacular. She loves going outdoors and getting her hands dirty and she's not scared of diving headfast into a situation (this was often a problem as she thinks before she acts and then facepalms after it dissolves into chaos). She is a heart over head person as logic isn't one of her strong points.

Biography - She has 2 parents and 2 siblings; one older sister who is in her third year at Hogwarts and one younger brother who is a year younger than Irina. Her Dad is an auror at the ministry at the Department of Defence. Her Mum brews potions for shops and such but is also incredibly skilled at herbology (she has her special garden where she grows loads of magical plants) as well as knowledgable on Magical Creatures. Her brother, Uncle Garrow, married a muggle, Aunt Liz, who was quickly welcomed into the family and told Irina's family all about the Muggle World - Irina is constantly intrigued by everything her Aunt tells her. She has an incredibly close family and they all worked incredibly well together.

First Instance of magic - Irina was a very clumsy person, even as a young child. When she was 7, she tripped over her foot and went headfirst into their glass door. But the door seemed to liquify and she went straight through it, reappearing on the other side, slightly shaken but unhurt. It took a few hours for her parents to figure out how to bring the door back, during which time she had managed to trip down the stairs and walk into a table.

My Wand - 9" (23 cm), Walnut wood and Dragon Heartstring, slightly springy with a harlequin handle and a natural shaft.
Walnut Wood usually prefers creative/inventive wizards and is eager to be used to will perform any spell the wizard desires (this can be a problem if the wizard uses the Dark Arts).
Dragon Heartstring makes performing spells easy and lends great power to the user, enabling them to master many spells and perform it well. However, it holds little to no loyalty to its master and will quickly transfer it's allegiance if correctly won in combat.
A Slightly Springy wand doesn't appear loyal as it warms quickly to new owners but will actually stop working completely for them after a while as it has a special tie to its origional owner. It is good for crafting or combative spells and is matched to a wizard/witch who is optimistic, cheerful and (most importantly) has an overactive imagination.