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Liam Bennet
23 Nov 2010
Winchester, England
Second year, Gryffindor
25,3 cm acacia wood and phoenix feather
Physical appearance:
Liam Bennet's bright brown eyes stand out against his fair skin and blonde hair. His golden locks are styled in a messy fashion, with a few stray strands hanging in his face and the rest falling just past his ears in a disheveled yet stylish manner. Liam has a petite and slender build, standing at just under five feet tall, but don't let his small size fool you - he is quite athletic and has a relatively toned and lean physique for his age, which suggests he leads an active lifestyle. He has a warm and friendly smile, and his friendly demeanor and positive attitude are reflected in his open and expressive features. Liam is a curious and energetic child, and his mischievous nature is often reflected in the twinkle in his eye and the playful smirk that graces his lips. He has a small, faint streak of white hair though his left eyebrow, an unusual but discreet feature that he likes to tell wild stories about to those who notice it. In truth there is no story behind it, it's just a feature of his appearance.

Liam cuts a dashing figure in his Hogwarts uniform. He takes great pride in his image, and always makes sure to maintain a clean and well-kempt appearance. His Hogwarts robes are tailored to fit his slender frame perfectly, and he takes care to ensure they are always impeccably pressed and free of wrinkles. He prefers to wear his robes open, revealing a simple yet classic outfit beneath, consisting of a crisp white shirt, a pair of well-fitting black trousers, and a pair of polished dress shoes. Liam has a particular fondness for his Gryffindor tie, which he wears with pride, often adjusting it to ensure it is perfectly straight. His wand is tucked securely in the inner pocket of his robes, always within easy reach should the need arise.

Liam Bennet is a curious and intelligent young boy with a love for adventure and a boundless thirst for knowledge. From a young age, he has always been eager to explore the world around him and learn as much as he can. Despite his youth, he is confident and self-assured, both factors allow him to tackle almost any challenge that comes his way, and even take charge if the situation demands it. This fun-loving student has an optimistic outlook on life that enables him to see the good in the world, even in the face of negativity, compelling the boy to speak his mind and stand up for what he believes in. Liam is not content to sit back and let life pass him by, and is always seeking out new ways to push himself and test his limits. Whether it's climbing to the top of the tallest tree in the neighborhood or embarking on a solo hike through the wilderness (without the approval of his parents), Liam is never one to back down from a challenge.

However, Liam' love of adventure and risk-taking can also be a double-edged sword. He is prone to making impulsive decisions without fully considering the consequences, which can sometimes lead to reckless behavior that endangers both himself and others. Liam is also known to be somewhat egotistical, and can be arrogant and dismissive of others' opinions and ideas. His constant need for validation makes him seem attention-seeking and manipulative on occasion, as he will go to great lengths to get what he wants. Despite his confident and self-assured exterior, Liam is also vulnerable and sensitive. He craves acceptance and praise, and can be hurt by criticism or rejection. He also has a deep-seated fear of failure, and can be overly hard on himself when he doesn't live up to his own high standards. These vulnerabilities can sometimes drive his impulsivity and reckless behaviour, as he strives to prove himself and earn the approval of others. It is fair to say that he has a long way to go when it comes to developing healthy relationships, even though he tries.

Liam Bennet was born into an affluent and influential pure-blooded wizarding family. The Bennet family live in a spacious and somewhat upscale manor on the outskirts of a small wizarding community on the outskirts of Winchester, and were active members of the local wizarding community - often hosting dinner parties or small events for their neighbours. His parents, Ava and William Bennet, were both successful in their respective careers, and as such, were often absent due to work. Ava is an in-demand lawyer, specializing in magical law, while William is a successful businessman with ties to the Ministry of Magic’s furniture inventory. While their busy schedules provided Liam and his siblings with a comfortable and privileged lifestyle, it also meant that they were often left to their own devices. Ava and William were loving and supportive parents, but their absence meant that the children had to rely on hired help for much of their care and supervision. This lack of constant parental guidance and attention sometimes left Liam and his siblings feeling neglected and unimportant, and they often craved more attention and affection from their busy parents.

With a natural intolerance for being cooped up inside, Liam spent a lot of time roaming around the grounds of his home as well as the woods within the surrounding area. There was never a shortage of trees to climb, and over the years Liam fashioned himself a makeshift pathway through the leafy canopy. Oftentimes the young boy would take a backpack of snacks with him as well as a book or two detailing the adventures of witches and wizards long past; once in a comfortable spot amongst the singing birds and with a jam sandwich in hand, the boy would read and imagine he were on the adventures too. Occasionally Liam felt so inspired by a passage that he would act out the scenes with his young brother while their sister watched on and read the book to them from the forest floor. If the weather wasn’t suited for outdoor adventures then the stories came to life inside the house, much to the dismay of Ava Bennet and her collection of fine pottery figures.

Liam is the oldest of the three children, and as such, was often expected to set a good example for his younger siblings - which he was for the most part. His sister, Emily, is two years younger than Liam, she is studious and ambitious young witch with an eye for checking facts . Despite her intelligence and drive, Emily often struggled with feelings of inadequacy and a need for approval, and looked up to Liam as a role model which caused the elder boy to hide his own similar feelings in an effort to comfort her. His younger brother, Matthew, is the baby of the family at three years younger than Liam, and a mischievous and energetic young wizard. Matthew is carefree and impulsive, and often got into trouble due to his lack of foresight and tendency to act before thinking - a characteristic that Ava Bennet attributed to both Liam and his father William’s influence.

Both parents were conscious of the privilege afforded to their children, and so taught them to be responsible and respectful members of society. Despite their occasional rivalries and differences, Liam and his siblings are close-knit and supportive of each other; they all recognise how important they are to one another. They were provided with every opportunity and advantage, but were raised to be modest and grounded, with a strong work ethic and a determination to succeed.

First instance of magic

One autumn day in October 2016, Liam was out and about like usual with a book in one hand and jam sandwich in another. The sun shone brightly in the almost cloudless blue sky, casting a consistent ray of warmth over northern Winchester. Gentle bird calls filled the morning air as the young boy entered one of his choice climbing spots. A blonde fringe parted ways for Liam’ hazel gaze to look up and observe that the rain from the night before had left many of the trees slick with a layer of water that hadn’t quite dissipated. The boy was smart enough to know that climbing these trees would be quite the risk.

After a little while of exploring Liam found one tree that was mostly untouched, and as he pressed one hand to its surface it was clear that this one hadn’t seen as much rain. It didn’t take long for Liam to return his book to his bag and wedge the sandwich between his teeth to begin climbing. At this point climbing was almost second nature, and without the hindrance of a slippery surface, Liam was able to scale the natural structure in only a matter of minutes. As he reached the higher branches it became clear that there was only one viable spot to sit down and relax; soon enough Liam found his perch and withdrew his book ready to dive into the adventures of Podrick Vanderlin (a rather obscure set of tales that his father had found while on a business trip to Canada).

As Liam sat perched atop the oak tree, basking in the warmth of the autumn sun and lost in the pages of his beloved book, he couldn't have anticipated the terror that was about to befall him. He was completely engrossed in the adventures of Podrick Vanderlin, his mind completely consumed by the thrilling narrative. But as he reached the climactic moment of the story, in which Podrick dangled from the window of a moving train car, Liam was suddenly jolted back to reality by the sound of a loud creaking and cracking beneath him. Without warning, the branch on which he sat gave way, and Liam found himself plummeting towards the ground.

He let out a terrified cry as he fell, his heart racing with fear. He could feel the wind whipping past him as he bounced off of thinner branches and snapped others, his arms crossed over his face in a desperate attempt to protect himself.

The distinctive rusting of leaves grew louder and louder as a strangely continual gust whipped around the forested floor pulling together a thick pile of leaves from all directions centered directly beneath the falling child. Liam braced himself for the impact, expecting to feel the crushing force of the ground beneath him at any moment. But to his surprise, he felt something soft and sponge-like break his fall instead. He opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by a thick pile of dead leaves, which had coalesced into a makeshift cushion just in time to save him from injury. Liam stood up, scrapes laced his arms and legs, yet none of this had been from the impact on the ground but rather falling through the branches prior. Somehow the boy had saved himself with his instincts, but not only had he done that, Liam Bennet had proven to be a wizard.

Now, as he stood there, his arms and legs scraped and bruised, Liam knew that he had a difficult task ahead of him. He would have to find a way to tell his parents about his magical abilities, without getting into too much trouble for disobeying their warnings about climbing trees this time of year…