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Deep Singha
15 May 2011
London, England
Second year, Gryffindor
33,9 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: A tall boy with average muscles. Brownish skin tone. Black medium curly hair. Thick eye-brows with brown eyes. Some pimples on both cheeks. Have a birth mark on left elbow. Half-blood.

Mental Description: Pretty mature. Try to understand situations. Don't argue with anybody. Easily forgive others. Sometimes becomes desperate to save anyone in danger(at that moment). Try to befriend everyone but too shy.

Biography: Happy life during pre-Hogwarts time. Have contacts with friends. No enemies at all. Parents are happy about decisions I take. Friends trusts me. But sometimes it gets hard when in new places with new faces. Academic results were pretty decent. Not good at physical sports. Sometimes uses muggle communication system called "Internet". Many times listened about Hogwarts from Father.

First Instance of Magic: It was a cloudy day. The rain pours heavily. Father was gone for his meeting at M.O.M. Mother as usual doing the housework. A fine day for reading stories, so I was reading story books in my bed. Suddenly it felt like someone whispering at my ear. At first I just ignored it. But as time passed, it became more louder. Something is wrong with me, I thought. My head began aching. I came downstairs and told mother about this. She went to her room and bring some muggle ailment. I consume that but it effects nothing. Hopelessly I sat down into a couch in the living room. Mom continues her cooking. From distance I saw her stirring vegetables into boiler. At a moment she burnt herself and the spoon flew up aiming the vase. I try to run as hard as I can to catch it but everything became dark all of a sudden.
When I opened my eyes I saw father sitting behind me. Mother came and told me that, how I was able to make the spoon fly in opposite direction with a swing of my hand. I understand nothing. The rain had stopped. Father looked at me with shining eyes and tell my life's magical three word, "You're a Wizard!"