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Nick Karmen
10 May 2011
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
28,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical: Nick looks like an average 11 year old. He is about 4'9, Blonde hair, green eyes. He is a very accident prone child, back home it was a normal occurrence to see him with many bandages. On his knees are scars from when he would fall off his bike because he would often forget to put his knee protectors on. Nick likes to wear bright clothes and often paints his nails.

Mental: He has ADHD, he find it difficult to concentrate and often hyper focuses on things. In addition to that, he also has Autism.

Biography: Nick is a muggle-born, neither of his parents were Wizards. They were amazing parents and gave him everything he wanted as they were well-off money wise. He got a good education and they did whatever they could to help him with his ADHD and Autism. Nick is an only child but has many friends back home.

Personality: Nick is a very loud child, his mind is always going as fast as possible which makes him sometimes too loud or talk too fast. Even with his lack of understanding of social cues, he is very social and loves to talk with people. Often times, he will run around and act on his impulses for what he thinks will be fun without regard for safety.

First Instance of Magic: When Nick was 10, he had a friend that was getting picked on and bullied pretty badly. Over the course of a few weeks, his anger built up. One day, he turned the corner outside of the school building to see his friend being picked on. It was like something just snapped in him as he ran up. He and the kids got into a pretty bad verbal fight, and as one of them went to grab his friend, he screamed at them. At the same time, a near by tree branch snapped off of the tree and fell to the ground.