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Astra Ingebrigtsen
10 Apr 2011
Rye, East Sussex, England
Second year, Gryffindor
31,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Astra is a blond girl with blue eyes and a white skin, she is around 1m45 and have voluminous cheeks and a bigger forehead than what people generally have. She is often seen with dark circles, secondary effect of a handheld brass magical telescope, not put to sell by her family due to it s secondary effects.

Mental Description: Astra is a socially active girl, having no hard time when it comes to attempting to befriend people. However she lack of emotions towards other people to the point that she often fake it in order to do like everyone else. She is easily frustrated if things does not goes the way she want them to go.

Biography: Astra comes from a Norwegian wizarding family known in their native country for their family business of manufacturing telescopes for wizards. It is therefore not surprising that her parents Jorgen and Ingrid Ingebrigtsen had such a passion for astronomy, to the point of naming their children, Luna first child, Stella 2nd child , Astra 3rd child and Nova last child and only son of the familly. This passion has spared none of the child, including Asta, whose dream is to become a recognized expert in the field.

First Instance of accidental Magic: Astra's first instance of accidental magic was when she was 4 years old. Her parents had a big emergency to deal with about unfilled administrative papersworks and had to go to the Ministry of Magic without further delay. But Astra didn't want them to leave without her so in a flood of frustration, sadness, and fear she used magic accidentally, to slam the doors of their house and stop them from leaving. Her parents finally took her with them in a hurry.

Disability:Astra has been using wooden axillary crutches since she was 7 years old. A medical error occurred, causing a dysfunction of the joints of her right leg, thus preventing her from walking properly. She walks with her crutches with her right leg slightly curled back.
The wrong remedy have been given due to a medical error,when she broke her leg they used a transfiguration spell instead of the spell that repair broken bones on her, unfortunately the casting of the spell failed.
This disability is of magical nature and there is no physical manifestation of it, no one can tell that she need crutches just by looking at her leg.
No means of cure has yet been found by experts in the field.