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Charlotte Dale
Wizard born
15 Sep 2010
Camberwell, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
27,8 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
Nicknames: Charlie, Lottie, Char

Physical Description:

Charlotte is five feet tall and is 85 pounds. Her hair is light brown, although it looks blonde in the sunlight) and is slightly past shoulder length. She normally has her mother curl it for her, though, or she wears it up in a ponytail. Charlotte has dark brown eyes and does not wear contacts or glasses.

Mental Description:

Charlotte is smart and kind. She loves helping other people. She is quick to stand up for other people, but when it comes to standing up for herself she always seems to freeze up. Charlotte is very funny and has a way of making others smile and laugh. She is spunky and full of life which naturally makes people want to talk to her.


Charlotte grew up attending special events and parties that her parents often threw for charity. She learned Pure-Blood etiquette at a very young age and tends to let a ‘mask’ hide her true personality when other people come by. Her house had a large library, and she could be found on a relaxing day, reading on a small beanbag. Charlotte hoped that one day her parents would be less controlling of her and her actions. She hated the rope they had on her and she wanted to be free from their grasp. She has known for a while at her young age that her parents expected much from her. When she got her Hogwarts letter, instead of celebrating, her parents sat her down for a talk. She wasn't to deviate from her studies, nor eat too much, nor break any rules.

First Instance of Magic:

Charlotte's first instance of magic occurred at the age of seven. Her parents had been bugging her insistently to help out with chores and such. Having known they were wizards, Charlotte didn't understand why they wouldn't just use their wands to do the dishes! When Charlotte finally did attend to the dishes, she was so angry. She was more angry than she ever had been before. So angry in fact that the plates all around her broke in millions of pieces at her touch. Charlotte began feeling less angry and more scared. So scared in fact that the lights began flickering. Her parents heard what was happening and quickly put a stop to it. After the incident, her and her parents had a long comforting conversation about what'd happened and why.