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Nancy White
15 Mar 2011
Rogart, Scotland
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,5 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:
Nancy's hair is bright red, the same as her Da's long wavy hair. Her green eyes, however, are solely from her Mam. Her unruly waves come from both of her parents, her Da's red and her Mam's light brown. The only makeup she wears is purple lipstick. It is her favorite color and she can usually be seen wearing as much purple as she can. However, her parents won't let her dye her hair purple, which she accepts grudgingly. She is approximately 4.5 feet tall. Both of her parents are approximately six feet tall, so she really hopes she will get their height later on.

Nancy tends to be very cheerful. She looks at the positive side of life. There are times that she will go very quiet and spend time in the library. Her family will be the first to tell you that when this happens isn't a bad thing, just that she needs a break to recenter herself. Despite being cheerful, she does have a hard time making friends. She isn't sure how to connect but is always willing to help anyone who asks for it.

I was born on the "Ides of March" which means March 15th, (My parents love reading, so they make a lot of references) in 2011. My parents are Kenny and Dierdre White. My Da worked as a Professor at Oxford teaching English Literature before retiring and becoming the town handyman. Except he doesn't get paid or schedule appointments, people just bring him broken things and he fixes them or he'll go to their house and fix something. Mam says it's because he hates being bored and needs to keep learning. Mam used to work as a matron for St. Mungo's in London. Sometimes Mam will apparate to London to teach new healers at St. Mungo's. Da says that she hates to be bored and needs to keep busy.

I have two older siblings. Jonathan, 25, works in the Administration Services of the Wizengamot. Magda, 30, works as a healer at St. Mungo's in London. While my siblings are much older than me, we owl each other regularly and visit as often as possible.

Most of my life I have spent with just Mam and Da. Jonny and Maggy were either in school or working in London. We do go down to visit them often. Some of the time Mam will apparate us but most of the time we will travel in the car and take our time. Da likes taking his time and mam likes stopping in different villages on our way down. It was a bit lonely, but the rest of the kids in the village are fun to play with and go to school with. We get together and record TikTok videos and when we can't get together we text and Instagram each other.

First Instance of Magic:
My first instance of magic was during a family picnic in our yard. We were laughing and playing games all day. My siblings and I were playing in the field, picking flowers, and trying to make flower crowns. My sister said she wished we had some pretty purple flowers to add to the crowns. I agreed with her when the bunch of Dwarf Cornels in my hand changed from plain white into a pretty shade of dark purple. I was surprised and tried to hand them to her. My brother started whooping, cheering, picking me up, and ran yelling for Mam with Maggy following laughing loudly. When I showed my Mam and Da the flowers, my Da and Mam told me they were very beautiful. My Mam and Maggy helped me make a flower crown out of them. When we were heading home my Mam saved the crown and stored it in a keepsake box as a remembrance.