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Charles McGraw
Wizard born
14 May 2011
Templemore, Ireland
Second year, Ravenclaw
24,9 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring

Physical Description: Short and a bit soft in stature Charles is by no means intimidating. With a modest dusting of light freckles and a fluff of dirty blond hair he is not the best at standing out in a crowd.

Mental Description: Charles is not one to pick a fight. He views all life as something to be protected and cared for and will be upset if a spider is hurt in his presence. Genuinely caring and kind he seeks to lift up those around him and help others be comfortable and feel protected. He can be loyal to a fault and overly trusting of those he considers friend but has always had a good eye for those he can trust.

Biography: Raised by two muggle born wizards who are deeply invested in the field of botany Charles has never lived in one place long. The constant moving has not stopped from making plenty of lifelong friends that he loves catching up. Always surrounded by magical plants and animals for his parents research he has taken a keen interest in following their footsteps but with his own twist that he has yet to discover.

First Instance of Magic: When holding a beautiful flower picked by his parents for research Charles' passion for botany lit with in him and in turn set the poor plant ablaze setting his parents research back by a few hours.