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Starley Myers
17 Dec 2010
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,6 cm hazel wood and troll whisker
Physical Description: Brunette young girl with hazel eyes. Long, wavy hair, 4’9.

Mental Description: Normally a quiet, reserved individual who rarely participates in social interaction due to fear of judgment. Often spends her time reading or writing alone. However, will become very chatty when with close friends. Starley tries to make it seem to everyone including herself that she does not need company, but deep down she knows that she is lonely and wishes to make friends. She uses studying and reading as a form os escapism from that loneliness, which often leaves her with perfect grades.

Biography: Starley grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her father being an auror and her mother being the owner of a successful company. Therefore both Starley’s parents have high expectations of her, and being an only child, she endures all of the pressure. Despite being wealthy, she was never really happy at home, always being controlled and dictated by her parents. And being homeschooled for 10 years meant she had almost no friends.

First Instance of Magic: Starley’s parents had been expecting her to have shown some form of magical talent since she turned 10, but to no avail. Soon enough they began fearing that she was a squib and began making plans for her to be moved to the muggle realm permanently to live with some distant squib relatives. Little did they know, Starley had overheard their discussion and fled to her room. She broke down out of fear and sadness, and before she knew it her tears had set the room on fire.